Saturday, October 31, 2009

What are you supposed to be?

Sometimes I'm really into Halloween. And sometimes I'm really not. The times that I'm not into Halloween usually follow an experience when I put together a costume at the last minute and it's maybe not perfect, and then I get to a party and some bitchy girl says "What are you supposed to be?"

There are really only two reasons to ask this question:

1. You want me to know my costume sucks. You don't care if you can tell what I intended or not, you mostly just want me to understand that I am smaller, weaker, and poorer than you, and no, you will not be making out with me later.

2. You honestly can't tell what my costume is, and so, you're assuming it must be bad, because if were good, you'd know, right? I mean there couldn't POSSIBLY be anything out there that you didn't know about.

The real sticker in the question "What are you supposed to be?" is the supposed. Supposed implies that something was attempted, but failed. If you ask "What are you?" instead, well then you're at least admitting that I may have succeeded at being something, you just don't know what it is.

In all cases, a much better question would be: "Can I get you a drink?" or, "How'd you make that?" Then we have a shared activity, which may or may not include talking about how much my costume sucks.

Because I know. Oh, I know.

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